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Mess Rule

  • Please Click here to follow the Dos and Donts of the IPS Mess, Kolkata
  • Rules for IPS Officer’s Mess West Bengal

    1. Preamble:

    The IPS officers’ Mess is not only temporary residence for the officers, it is the home of the Service and the repository of its traditions. It aims at promoting pride in the Service, espirit de corps and responsible and considerate behavior.

    2. The IPS Officers’ Mess

    situated at 7, Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata -27 is managed by IPS Officers of West Bengal Cadre. The DGP will be the ex-officio President & the Commissioner of Police, Kolkata will be the ex-officio Vice President of the Mess.

    3. Membership:

    All the IPS Officers in the State shall be members of the Mess. They will be known as “Resident Members”

    4. Service Members:

    Serving members of Indian Police Service living outside the station are also eligible to join the Mess. Similarly retired members may also join the mess. They will be known as “Service Members”.

    5. Honorary Members:

    The following may be invited by the President to join the Mess as Honorary members:-

    (a) Officers of other All India Services and Central Services including heads of Central Police Organizations located at Kolkata.
    (b) Other eminent members of public of the state at the discretion of Mess President.
    (c) Guests on request from DGP or C.P.

    6. (a) Life Members:

    Offices of Indian Police Service may opt to become Life Members of IPS Officers Mess by paying one time subscription of Rs. 1,000/- (one thousands) only.

    (b) Temporary Membership:
    An officer who is otherwise not a life Member of a Hony. Member may when permitted utilize the services of the Mess, after becoming a temporary Member by paying a Membership fee Rs. 20/- (twenty) only.

    (c) Membership Guest :
    Members of the Mess may bring in their guests to the Mess for which a nominal charge of Rs. 5 /- per guest will be levied. The guest should also abide by the rules and regulation of the Mess.

    7. Temporary stay:

    The Mess will be available for temporary stay of the members. Temporary stay means a continuous stay for a period not exceeding 10 days.
    Officers desirous of temporarily staying in the Mess may send intimation to Dy Inspector General of Police (HQ) Writers’ Buildings who will allot accommodation on first – come first served basis.

    8. Mess Committee:

    The affairs of the Mess shall be managed by a Committee constituted as follows :-

    (a) President of the Mess Committee (PMC) who shall be nominated by the President.

    (b) There will be 5 members in the Committee including the following 2 Ex- officio Members:-

    (i) S.P., South 24 Pagans
    ( ii) Sr. D.C., Calcutta Armed Police.
    Senior amongst them will act as the Mess Secretary. The 3 other members will be nominated by the P.M.C.
    The members will be designed as Member Accounts, Members Stores, Members Personnel and Member Catering.
    (C) Tenure of the Mess Committee will be for 2 years.

    9. Mess Accounts:

    (i) Two separate accounts viz, the Mess Fund and the Current Fund shall be maintained in the Mess. These shall be treated as official fund and all official formalities relating to accounts and procedure shall apply to them. The Current Fund will consist of charges collected for members. It will be used for the day–to-day running of the Mess. All other payments, such as admission fee, maintenance charge, grants, etc, shall be remitted to the Mess fund.

    (ii) All money received in the Mess fund shall be credited to an account known as “IPS Officers’ Mess Fund Account” in a Bank. It will be jointly operated by the President and Secy, of the Mess Committee.

    (iii) The accounts of the Mess Fund will be maintained by the Mess Office clerk and checked by the Member Accounts and P.M.C. A monthly abstract of receipts and expenditure will be put up to member accounts and the Mess Secretary by the 10th of each month

    (iv) The power to sanction purchase of Mess property and to pass payments orders shall be vested in the President and the Secretary of the Mess Committee.

    (v) A yearly audit of the current fund will be carried out by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the Mess President each year.

    (vi) Members temporarily staying in the mess shall settle their accounts before they leave the Mess. Out station cheques must include bank charges in addition. The Member Accounts will report to P.M.C. by the 10th of each month the names of those who have not paid their bills, nothing the amount outstanding against each.

    (vii) Payment will be accepted in the Mess Office only between 10.00 hrs and 15.00 hrs. on all working days. Receipts shall be issued then and there.

    10. General:

    (i) All bearers when waiting at table shall be in clean uniform. Personal bearers serving officers in their rooms must be properly dressed. Personal bearers are liable to serve in the dining rooms on special occasions.

    (ii) Use of strong or harsh language to Mess servant is forbidden. Complaints against them if any may be made to the Mess Secretary or the Member in-charge of Personnel who alone may correct or punish the defaulters. If the members are not satisfied the complaint may sent to the P.M.C for necessary action.

    11. The following standing order and Appendices will form part of the rules. (i) General guidelines on Mess discipline and decorum Standing Order I.
    (ii) Duties of Mess Committee-Standing Order II.
    (iii) Guidelines regarding Mess Property –Standing Order III
    (iv) Duties of Mess Inspector/Sub-Inspector-Standing Order IV.
    (v) Duties of Mess Subedar Seargent-Standing V.
    (vi) Rules of IPS Officers Mess Fund-Appendix ‘A’
    (vii) List of Records/ Registers-Appendix B.
    12. These rules will be come into effect from the 10th day of December 1995.

    13. In case of any doubt or ambiguity as regards interpretation of the Rules, the matter shall be referred to the President whose decision shall be final and binding.

    14. The President of the Mess in consultation with Vice President may modify any of the above rules.

    Standing Order No. I

    Mess discipline and decorum:

    1. The enforcement of proper standards of Mess life is largely left to the Officers themselves, thereby cultivating a sense of duty and honour and fostering respect for authority.
    2. The general upkeep and sanitation of the Mess, the proper performance of duties by Mess servants is the joint concern of all members.
    3. It is particularly necessary for officers to observer the rules of the Mess and to support those in authority in enforcing them.
    4. Dress Code:
    The members should strictly adhere to the dress code as specified from time to time.
    No members shall move about in the Mess dressed in an improper manner. The members and their guest should not enter the Lounge, Dining room, Reading room or Bar dressed in shorts, Pajamas, Slippers etc.

    Standing Order No. II

    Duties of Mess Committee


    1. The P.M.C will be responsible to the President for the efficient running of the Mess.
    2. He will exercise general supervision and control over the Mess Committee.
    3. The Mess Fund Accounts will be maintained under his supervision and he will control the expenditure from this fund.
    4. He will periodically check the accounts maintained in the Mess Office and will arrange once in a year auditing of the accounts.
    5. He will also arrange for the annual physical checking of the Mess Property.

    Mess Secretary:

    1. The Mess Secretary is primarily responsible for maintenance of the highest standards in all aspect of Mess life.
    2. He will carry out his duties under the direction of the P.M.C.
    3. He will be responsible for the recovery of all monthly bills form members and the remittance of all subscriptions and charger by the 5th of each month. He will report to the P.M.C on the 7th of each month the names of all officers who have outstanding dues, if any.
    4. He will peruse the Suggestion Book from time to time and as far as possible see that the suggestions are carried out.

    Member-in-Charge, Accounts, Stores and Personnel:

    1. He will ensure that the Mess servants perform their duties properly at all times.
    2. He will arrange for proper allocation of duties of the staff
    3. He will arrange for the medical inspection of all mess servants and keep a record in the Medical Inspection Register. He will correct any servant found at fault and recommend proper action in case of defaulters.
    4. He will see that adequate fire fighting equipments is provided in the Mess and for its maintenance in a serviceable condition.
    5. He will be responsible for the correct maintenance of all cash accounts in the Mess.
    6. He will be responsible for the due payment of all the bills and the Mess staff in time and recovery of all the dues.
    7. Rules for the maintenance of Mess stores are given in Standing Order No. III.

    Standing Order No. III

    Mess Property:

    1. Stores including provisions and other articles purchased for day-to-day consumption will on receipt be entered in the Store Committee Register and then taken on stock in the relevant Stock Register.
    2. The Stores Committee will consist of the Secretary and the Member Stores.
    3. After the stores have been approved by the committee they will be brought on the Stock Book and bills will be submitted along with the original sanction of purchase to the Mess Clerk for further action.
    4. The following certificate will be endorsed on each bill by the Mess Secretary:-
    “Certified that the stores have been approved by the Mess Stores Committee and taken on stock in the relevant Stock Register”
    5. The Mess Inspector will submit to him a list of all property required to be condemned and written off soon after the monthly inspection.

    Standing Oder No. IV

    Duties of Mess Inspector / Sub–Inspector / Seargent:

    1. He will be responsible for the cleanliness of the mess rooms, kitchen, lounge and the area surrounding the mess. He will ensure the above work every day.
    2. He will also ensure cleanliness of the overhead and underground water tanks and inspect them once a week and in case of uncleaned tanks he will get them cleaned by getting in touch with the P.W.D.
    3. In case of failure of supply of electricity of water he will immediately arrange for its resumption.
    4. Each morning he will inspect the Mess employee’ snail, hairs, shave and uniform.
    5. He will be responsible for the stocks and stores of the Mess and their maintenance and upkeep.
    6. He will also supervise the work of sweepers, washer men, etc. and attend to any complaint received in this regard.
    7. He will keep a vigilant eye on the Mess stock and report any breakage or damage to crockery and cutlery and other items and fix up the responsibility for further action.
    8. He will check the ration, stock, receipt and supply of milk, eggs, meat, fish, chicken, vegetable, fruit, tea and coffee with the actual number of dining members and with the scale at which these items are being supplied.
    9. He will supervise the work of mess Havilder and Munshi and report any carelessness on their part.
    10. He will issue items in the rooms as per orders and keep an inventory with him.
    11. In order to prevent the misuse of Mess uniform supplied to the Mess bearers he will ensure that the uniforms are worn only during the hours of works.

    Standing order No. V

    Duties of mess Havildar

    1. He will maintain daily account of the receipt of stores and there supply in accordance with the scale as laid down.
    2. He will ensure that the items for food are supplied strictly according to the scale any violation will be charged from the Mess Halvildar / Munsi .
    3. No items will be sold to outside people, at the Mess.
    4. He will be responsible for the maintenance of the crockery and cutlery in the mess. In case of breakage or damage he will fix the responsibility and report to the Mess Inspector.
    5. He will ensure cleanliness of the crockery, cutlery and the tables laid for dining in the dining hall.
    6. He will ensure the hygiene and cleanliness of the kitchen and also of the dining hall.
    7. He will check the uniform, shave, nails, hair of the mess employees every morning.
    8. None of the Mess employees shall leave the Mess without the permission of Mess Havildar.
    9. The Mess will function during specified hours and shall not be kept open beyond these hours.
    10. This stock register will be written every day and all the supplies received shall be entered the in stock register. Issued items should be recorded in the issue register. He shall put up the register when called for inspection.
    11. Any Mess employee not abiding by the rules and not reporting to duty on time or remaining absent from the Mess, Havildar shall immediately put up his report to the Mess Inspector
    12. The keys of the cold storage and ration stores shall be in the personal custody of the Mess Havildar and he shall be responsible for the stock.

    Appendix 'A'

    Rules for the IPS Officers’ Mess Fund:

    1. Title:

    These rules may be called Mess Fund IPS Officers Mess Rules.

    2. Funds (Resources):

    (a) Mess Establishment Charges:
    These charge are collected from the officers at the rate fixed from time to time.

    (b) Mess grants :
    These are grants received from various other resources from time to time.

    (c) Objects:
    To meet the yearly expenditure on table cloths, napkins, towels, dusters, crockery, utensils, washerman charges of Mess clothing etc. stationery for Mess Office. Electricity and water bills minor electrical or civil repairs.

    (d) Management:
    Special Saving Bank Account in the name of President Mess Committee Mess Fund, IPS Officers Mess, shall be opened in a Bank.
    IPS Officers Mess Fund Account shall be administered by the Managing Committee consisting of --- (i)President, (ii) Vice-President, (iii) Withdrawal Authority (PMC), (iv) Member Accounts.

    3. Financial Powers:

    (i) The President /Vice-President shall have full powers to sanction amount. The P.M.C is the authority to withdraw sanctioned amount as above.
    (ii) The P.M.C shall have financial power to sanction upto Rs. 1000/-

    4. Records And Accounts:

    The records of the fund will consist of the following:
    (a) Cash Book-to be written daily and will be closed once, a month.
    (b) Receipt Book.
    (c) File containing the paid vouchers.
    (d) Cash Box.
    (e) Any other records which may be introduced with prior approval of the President.
    (f) All records will be maintained by the Mess Clerk/Care Taker.

    Appendix ‘B’

    List of Registers maintained in the Mess.

    1. Mess Fund Register.
    2. Current Fund Register.
    3. Dining out Register.
    4. Suggestion Book.
    5. Medical Inspection Register.
    6. Stores Committee Register.
    7. Stock Book.
    8. Issue Register.


    1. For IPS Officers of West Bengal Cadre (Members for personal use only) Rs. 300/- per diem for first 07 (seven) days. Thereafter Rs. 500/- per diem for remaining period of stay. Same rent will be realized from retired IPS Officers of West Bengal Cadre.

    2. For IPS Officers of others states/UTs. retired IPS Officers of other States & guests of members Rs. 1,000/- per diem.

    3. For the guests of IPS Officers other than their family members in case of West Bengal Cadre will pay Rs. 400/- for first 07 (seven) days and thereafter Rs.600/- per day. In case of IPS Officers other than W.B. Cadre Rs. 1,000 /- per diem.


    1. For IPS Officers of West Bengal Cadre (Members for personal use only) Rs. 500/- per diem for first 07 (seven) days. Thereafter Rs. 700/- per diem for remaining period of stay. Same rent will be realized from retired IPS Officers of West Bengal Cadre.

    2. For IPS Officers of others states/UTs. retired IPS Officers of other states & guests of members Rs. 1,000/- per diem.

    3. For the guests of IPS Officers other than their family members in case of West Bengal Cadre will pay Rs. 600/- for first 07 (seven) days and thereafter Rs. 800/- per day. In case of IPS Officers other than W.B. Cadre Rs. 1,200 /- per diem.


    1. For hosting party for guests not exceeding 25 in number :-
    a) By a West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 1,000/-
    b) By Guest of West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 5,000/-
    c) By IPS Officer of other Cadre Rs. 5,000/-

    2. For hosting party for more than 25 guests but less than 100:-
    a) By a West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 3,000/-
    b) By Guest of West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 10,000/-
    c) By IPS Officer of other Cadre Rs. 10,000/-

    3. For hosting party for more than 100 guest
    a) By a West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 10,000/-
    b) By Guest of West Bengal cadre IPS Officer Rs. 20,000/-
    c) By IPS Officer of other Cadre Rs. 20,000/-

    4. The IPS Mess premise shall not be used for holding marriage party/other religious functions except by the members for their own children. Rs. 20,000/- shall be charged for holding such functions.

    Your cooperation is appreciated.

    Meal timings:
    (ii) Meals will be served in accordance with the time laid down by the Mess President. All meals must be taken in the dining room. Members may take their morning and evening tea in the room.

    (iii) A member who is likely to be absent for meals must enter his name in “Dining out Register” at least six –hours in advance. No rebate will be given to any member dining out without recording his absence in the Dining out Register.

    Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner: Veg & Non Veg are available.

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    Copright @www.ipsmesskolkata.org 2013-14